So this week was a long week, had some good highlights, had some bad... Well lets back it up and start from the beginning......
Chapter 1 - The day before the weekend
Last Thursday started off like every other Thursday. Wake up, go to work, come home, have fun.... This particular Thursday we ended up going up the canyon with a group and cooking tin foil dinners and playing games around a campfire. It was a lot of fun. When we first got up there i felt kind of dizzy. I thought it was car sick from the ride up there, No big worries it will wear off!... No! it did not! In fact when we got home that night it got worse.. it got so bad that i could not walk strait. I was falling over, hitting into things! It got so bad that i couldn't make out what was right in front of me. Seconds later i felt it. I started getting motion sick. I went into the bathroom at 3:00 in the morning and starting throwing up... It wasn't the puking where all your fluids run out your mouth and liquids out your nose... Oh i wish it were that simple... It was one of the ones where it felt like it was your inner guts coming out of your mouth. And the next organ trying to come out are your lungs
themselves. After about 30 min of throwing up I took some benadryl and Dramamine and was able to fall asleep!
Now i apologize for going into such deep details. I realize that they were not very polite or appealing things for me to say. But it was a important part to the weekendChapter 2 - Friday morning
Friday morning i was planning on leaving for St George for a softball tourny. My good pal Brandtly told me days before that he was going to be at our place at 2:30 promptly. And i knew that if i were not ready i would never hear the end of it. But after waking up to a night before.. And ODing on benadryl and Dramamine that both make you drowsy. That was the last thing on my mind. I woke up around 1:00. I still had to go in and get my pay check from work and deposit it so i had money for the weekend. And remember that i was still dizzy and not feeling well. So around 2 i ran into work to get my pay check. Only to find that the checks had not been cut yet. I thought to myself "this is just great, I need this check for this weekend or i will have no money. That would be the worse thing to be in st george with no money." So after a few min of talking to HR and my good friend Chelsea from work I worked it out so she could pick the check up for me and deposit it into my bank. Pffewf problem solved, I have money for the weekend. Now to get back to my apt since it was 2:30 exactly.. Just then my phone rang and you could have guessed who it was. Thats right Brandtly. It was not even 2:31 yet and he was calling cause i was not home. I sped home grabed by clothes put them in his car and we were off.... maybe 10 min late. Seeing how he was saying he would be at our place at 2:15 to make sure we were ready but changed it at the last min cause he had to "wash his car" i figured he would be lenient... Well i was wrong. I hurried for no reason at all not only did i hear it from him complaining that we were late and telling everyone that i made us late... I also had to hear it the Whole way down there...
Chapter 3 - The ride down
We were off... Brandt in such a hurry to get to st george had to make a pit stop to drop some hats off for embedding. Me being the chill relaxing one didn't really care... what was the hurry? I was fine... Just as we were about to get off the exit in Spanish fork i realized that i forgot my mit... crap!!! No worries I told brandt that i would just buy a new one down there. I was needing a new one anyways. The last thing i wanted to do was get more crap for it. Then i realized.. in my hurry to satisfy brandtlys urge to get out of town so quickly i forgot to grab all my softball gear! Crap thats almost as bad as the time i wen to San Fransisco for a wedding with no church clothes! So we had to go back. I knew that i had it! This was going to be the topic of discussion all weekend! oh well what can ya do! I was still feeling like crap and dizzy!! So we went back to my apt and got my crap and drove down to st George.
Chapter 4 - Dinner
When we got down to St George we were starving! We stopped at Cracker barrel for some home town cookin! I was still sick and dizzy but needed some food. We sat down for dinner and i realized that the softball gear was not the only thing i forgot.. I also forgot my wallet. I had no money! So the whole weekend Brandt had to pay for everything for me (he was a good friend on that part and i really appreciate that) But it did not come without the long stories and endless nights of making fun of the sick kid! :)
After that we went to this place called the orange peal to get these smoothie drinks! they were delicious! we got them and went home to drink them, luckly Kopp was at the table and realized that i left my phone at the table and brought it home for me or i would have been wallet less and phone less!
Chapter 5 - The Return
After getting home from a good but at the same time could have been better weekend. (I still had a blast out there) I went to find my wallet in my room.. The first place i thought it would be is the car. OK lets grab the car keys and look.... um crap! i dont know where they are! that is right! somewhere from getting my mit and softball gear when we returned and the long weekend i lost my keys! I still do not have them and had to walk to work today and will sure be doing it tomorrow!
Chapter 6 - Conclusion
After a long week of missfortunes and bad luck i realized a few things....
1) No matter how sick you are, no one will have mercey on you! They will take every advantage possible to make fun of you.
2) Playing 6 games of softball in one day gives a good workout to your butt
3) Even handycapped kids working in cafe rio as a greater can make someones day by putting a smile on your face
and the most important thing i learned this weekent
4) No matter how much crap they give you, no matter how much they laugh at your expence! Your friends are going to be the first to be there to pick you up and help you get back up when you fall!This weekend may sound like it was one of the most disastarisnt weekends... And honestly it was. But you know what! Thanks to all my good friends i was able to laugh about it and have a good time.
but remember this whole weekend i had a excuse