Recently if you have been reading Turpy-World you will see a few posts of sadness, a few of frustration and a few of despair! Well I just want to let everyone know that I am not a sad of person as it may seem! Blogging is a way of relieving feelings! I post on here when things out of the ordinary happen! I have had a lot of good moments in the recent past that have not made it just cause when I'm happy I don't need to relieve anything! I like where I am and don't think of blogging it! So I just want to take a moment to let everyone know that things have been going real good for me lately! Not everything is perfect.. but I don't believe that its possible to be! You have to take what good is in front of you, enjoy it, and learn from the bad so you have more joy in the future!
I had been having a bit of struggles the past few months. It all started when my work let me go in February! It was unexpected but with the economy how it was and is they had to make changes, a lot of us didn't make the cut! Finding a job was a difficult task, I was under qualified for the good jobs just cause there were so many people out there applying, and over qualified for the crap jobs! And I was not catching a break! I decided to go out to Boston with my old pal John Gay to do summer sales! He was real successful at it, and I didn't have many other options cause the bills were piling and the job offers were not! So I spent a few months out there, did OK! But eventually found out I was not the person that could knock doors 10 hours a day! And when I wasn't enjoying it, I didn't sale! And there was no point in staying if I wasn't selling. So I came home!
When I returned I came back to nothing, nowhere to live, no job, no friends, no money, nothing! Nothing but my family! So with bi-weekly plasma donations for funds and a great family for support I went out to find another job! But it still wasn't easy! It took me about 2 months to find a job and by that time I had a lot of debt from unemployed and lack of making money in Boston! Over the past 2 months I have played catch up on a lot and am finally out of the pit I felt Like I was in! Looking back at everything that happened makes me see the larger picture, and while I had many many struggles I feel like it was necessary to put me in a position I am in now! Going out to Boston hurt me a lot financially! But I also got a lot out of it! It gave me change, i met a lot of new friends out there who have helped me a lot here at home! And even though she is married and we don't talk! I had a blast when Brittney came out to visit! One of the best weekends I have had in a long time!! I am a better person spiritually! (not that I was bad) But a lot of happiness has came from changes i have and am making! I do miss living with Brandtly a lot! He is one of my best friends! I have never lived with someone I had so much fun doing nothing with! And have missed having that best friend I have been lacking lately! He also helped me through a lot of hard times! And I do miss him! But at the same time, i'm not in a bad position now where I live!
I felt for the longest time I was in a pit I couldn't get out of! Financially and emotionally, and i'm not a emotional person! but recently I have had so much fun it makes all the struggles and pains I went through almost worth it! Having had to struggle financially and realize I was not as qualified for jobs as I once thought I was has made me start school back in the spring! I have a good paying job now that is flexible and will allow me to do it! Struggling emotionally made me come out of the shell I crawled into recently and I now have met a lot of new friends! Hung out with people I already knew but never dared to ask them out! And things are going good! A large step in the right direction! I am happy! Things are not perfect... But if they were, thats when I would be really worried!
Thanks for all the help everyone has given me recently in helping me come back to the Turpy you all LOVE!! All the fun times that I needed when I was struggling! And the support! I have great friends and family and couldn't ask for more:-)
Glad you are doing well! Love ya buddy! :)