June 29, 2009

Life With a Rewind Button

Sometimes I wish life had a rewind button. If something happened you didn't like you could just hit rewind and do it again! No regrets, no mistakes... No Worries! If I said something or did something I didn't like... I would rewind it and make sure the moment was perfect every time! But until I find that remote to help me out, I am stuck living from life's mistakes, regrets, mishaps or anything else in life I don't like! I wonder what would be different had I not gone to Boston? What if I would have stayed? What if I would have acted different with past girls I dated? Would I have found the one? What if I would have worked harder at a job, or in school? Would I have more money? There are many things I look back over the past few years and am 100% sure I did right. I'm glad I went on a mission, everything I am today stems from that time there! The only reason I would go back is to do the same thing all over again! But there are other things I'm not so sure about! Some minor what ifs, but some are larger, harder to forget what ifs. Its hard to look back see events or decisions that may, or may not have hindered the present! Was I better off with the decisions I made? Or were there larger decisions that I am oblivious to that would have changed my life?

But I cant change the past. Whats done is done! What I can do is take the most from every situation, good or bad, then on top of it learn from it. Don't make the same mistakes twice, and get the most out of every situation possible to make myself the better person for the future! There is no way to know the full effects of a particular decision before it happens. We just have to do what we think is right, and pray as much as we can that the decision was the best for us! Maybe if I kept a job longer I would have more money, but maybe with that money comes a job I'm not happy in. Maybe I pressured a girl a little to much to like me... But maybe being with that girl would have made me less happy then not having her! There are always 2 sides to every story and impossible to know if yours was the right one. From here on out, I'm not looking back with regret, I'm not going to wonder! There is not going to be a wrong side, just the side I chose! Cause having to learn from past mistakes makes me realize that when I am always looking behind me seeing what could have been... I am missing the beauty in front of me and what is to come! Life is what we make of it. The only bad decision is the one we decide to not learn from. Walk as if you have a destination to get to, not a place your running from. Cause if your always running from whats behind you. You will end up missing the destination!


  1. I don't think that I will ever look back at this point of my life and not think about how things could have been, or should have been, but I will never regret the memories I've made and the lessons i've learned.

  2. Well put Brandon!! But with the mistakes/choices we've made in the past make us the people we are today. And you are a great person so it all happened for a reason! :) Love ya buddy!
