OK its started!! I have had this blog for awhile but have refused to fall into the growing trend! I just didn't want to... But after reading a few of my friends blogs it was interesting and fun... Being borderline wanting to get into the trend, i didn't know what to write about. I mean the very first blog entry on your blog has to me the best.. it has to be epidemic, or your audience will not return.... Lacking the plot needed for a good blog entry I put it on hold....... But then tonight the most amazing thing happened to me that i had to write about somewhere.... And thats where Turpy's Blog begins...
Today was a less then exciting Sunday for me. First off my room mate Chris moved out. Brendon is in Idaho and everyone is moving home or out this weekend... So it was pretty boring. around 2:00pm i realized that i did not have any food to eat.. I looked all through my cupboards the only thing i had that was digestible to the stomach was easy mac. So not wanting to break the sabot even though i didn't even go to church I ate that. 7 hours later i was dead hungry... Now i know that the general population does not like to shop on Sunday for one reason or another. And i agree i prefer to do my shopping before or after the sabbath! But there i was about to curl in a ball of pain cause my inner intestines were being eatin due to the lack of solids in my stomach. Some may stick the pain out till the next day.... And if that is you, you are a better man than I. At the first sign of pain i was in the car runnin to walmart. Now for anyone that may know me, you will know that i despise walmart. especially the Orem Walmart (or should i say the mercado mexicano, but that is a subject i will have to hit on another day) But there is one good thing about them... They have these home made pizzas that you take home and bake for $5! That are amazing... But i usually don't go cause its not worth the 45 min lines, the stupid person in line that always seems to mess up and take forever. Or the automatic check out machines that after every item you scan you have to wait for assistance. but i caved... waking in expecting it to be full of Surenos and their kids running all over the place... (which it was) i got my pizza and prepared for the check out likes.. I was going to go and scope out who was in line. who looked technology savvy enough to work the machines.. When i got over there i looked and the 3rd from the right self check out stand.... WAS EMPTY. I didn't know what to do! But not only was it open.. I scanned 2 items and not one needed assistance. I was amazed! My whole life since then has changed.. If that was possible for me to do.. Then anything is possible